Focus on craft beer equipment
hotline: +1 (657) 345-3375
Date: 2021-9-151bbl Beer Brewing Equipment (steam heating ) for customer in Japan.

Product: 1x1bbl Mash lauter tun, 1x1bbl Kettle whirlpool, 2x1bbl FVs.

Date: 2021-8-3010hl Beer Brewing Equipment (steam heating ) for customer in Japan.

Product: 1x10hl Mash lauter tun, 1x10hl Kettle whirlpool, 3x10hl FVs, 1x20hl FV, 1x20hl Hot liquor tank, 1x10hl Grist case, 1X135l Hop back, CIP pump, Mill.

Date: 2021-4-233hl Beer Brewing Equipment (electric heating) for customer in Japan.

Product: 1x3hl Mash lauter tun, 1x3hl Kettle whirlpool, 3x3hl FVs, 1x6hl Hot liquor tank, 1x5hl Glycol tank.

Date: 2017-2-2720BBL Direct Fire System for customer in Cambridge, Maryland, USA

Product: 20bbl 3-vessel Direct Fire Heating System

Date: 2017-2-2720BBL Direct Fire System for customer in Cambridge, Maryland, USA

Product: 20bbl 3-vessel Direct Fire Heating System

Date: 2018-12-10100bbl Fermenters for Customer in San Diego, CA., USA

Product: 100bbl FVs x 20pcs

Date: 2017-9-215bbl Brewhouse for customer in Martinez, California, USA

Product:1x15bbl 2-vessel Brewhouse, comprises of MLT, KTL and a Whirlpool, 6x30bbl FVs